Watch This Immediately If You Are No Longer Able To Sell From Your Display Home

How to remove your reliance on Display Home foot traffic, make up the ‘shortfall’ of leads, and prepare for a new era of house and land sales with the Virtual Seminar BLUEPRINT.

Look at this image below...

Through no fault of your own, this is what your display home and village currently looks like.

This image is the ONE real indicator that what you’re currently facing – zero foot traffic – is a very real and very serious problem. 

Majority of new home consultants and builders we speak with rely on their display home to generate leads and create conversations. However, they now resemble something similar to a ghost town.

And for a lot of consultants this had been happening for a while, the pandemic and government restrictions have just amplified the problem. 

Last year a small to medium sized builder came to us for help. They were getting (on a good weekend) maybe 5-7 groups through their display home and it just wasn’t enough. The display had been doing OK, but they started seeing fewer and fewer people dropping in (it was actually about 3 times less than they had the previous year). 

As a way to increase the number of conversations they were having, we implemented our seminar strategy… which generated over 300 leads from one event (which beat their previous best performing marketing strategy by 5 times).

Some builders and sales consultants think a quiet display home is just the result of a slower market and a lack of buyers, however, that’s not always the case. Often it comes down to buyer behaviour and the way they choose to interact with you and your offer.

We’re constantly bombarded with advertising and offers, it’s the nature of the world we live in. Unless you have a USP (unique selling proposition), you’ll just get lost in the crowd with your competitors. Which is exactly what happens at a display village. The real problem is even if a buyer walks in your display home first, there’s a very good chance that you won’t be the last one they visit. 

But it’s not your fault. 

Land estate owners will tell you it’s the best way to bring in new business and they’ll ‘help you do it’ (which they do pretty poorly). But it’s not.

Display Villages were designed to make life easier for the buyer, not the builder. As long as the buyer chooses one of the builders, the land owner’s happy.

So how can you overcome this obvious obstacle?

You need to get in front of your prospects before your competition can. Simple as that. 

Build rapport, provide value, be of service and then present them with an irresistible offer. 

And our Virtual Seminar BLUEPRINT was created to help you do exactly that. 

To give you the edge over everyone else and increase your chances of closing a deal – 10 fold!  

Every day businesses, just like yours have been on the ‘outside’ – being kept away from the best opportunities by the big land estates who inflate costs to keep you out (unless you’re a Volume Builder with a lot of clout).

The ‘little guys’, the ones that needed the most help, were the ones being left to fend for themselves.

That rigged-game ends today.

Because of COVID-19 and the recent Government restrictions, display villages and display homes have lost all of their foot traffic.

Buyers can only view your homes by appointment and this could even change in the blink of an eye. And whilst we’d all like to hope that this will only last a few weeks, the PM has told us to be prepared for these types of restrictions to be in place for the next 6 months. Which means you will have ZERO people coming through your display home.

Can you survive for 6 months without the opportunity to speak to prospective buyers? 

The way I see it, is you either get in now and find a new strategy, a new way to attract your ideal client – or you let the Volume Builders take over with their huge digital marketing budgets and you shut your doors.

Now, I’ve been in your shoes.

I started 2 small businesses – tried growing them to no avail, until I figured this marketing thing out.

I learnt the old fashioned way too. Blood sweat and tears, spending my own money to get it right. I studied with the best in the industry and now work closely WITH the big companies we advertise with – to make sure I know EXACTLY what’s going on inside their platforms. 

Myself and the team have also run Australia’s 3 largest First Home Buyer seminars (over 160 people attended our last event) and that’s since led us (and for the clients we do this for nationally) to generating over 1100 high-quality new build leads each month.

Now there’s always been a system in advertising seminars (Virtual or in person). But no one’s really broken it down and spoken about it. Therefore it’s kind of been hidden in plain sight.

However, once you break it down it’s pretty simple to execute;

  1. We identify the ideal niche for your builds (we start with First Home Buyers)
  2. We figure out how to attract, educate and convert those buyers in a way your competition isn’t using
  3. We deliver it in a way that your audience wants, needs and values in these changing times we find ourselves in – Salesmanship in the Virtual World.

Then we put all the data through our system, to verify it and then amplify it.

That system is called our ‘Virtual Seminar BLUEPRINT’. 

Depending on how eager you are, we can have you ready to launch your own Virtual Seminar in a matter of weeks and you’ll work DIRECTLY with me… I give you all the tools you need and help you craft every component. You’ll have access to me to assess the numbers and any new ideas you may have.

You’ll also get two Video Link Zoom sessions with me, so I can keep you updated with the latest strategies that are working right NOW and tweak and improve your current offerings.

At our recent QLD seminar one of our builders had over 55% of the room sign up for the offer we created for them.

I’ll give you the exact offer that made these attendees take action. I’ll also provide you with the exact Facebook Ads we’ve used to generate close to 800 registrations.

So you’ll get;

  • 3 x ‘Bulletproof Ready Made’ First Home Buyer Presentation Slide Decks (with 3 proven offers to present)
  • Pre-recorded Example of a ‘Virtual Seminar’ You Can Model
  • Software & Technology Toolkit Covering What To Do & What You Need
  • Swipe & Deploy ‘SUCCESSFUL & PROVEN’ Facebook Adverts
  • Industry Insiders Marketing Secrets For Success (How to increase your show up rates and have people to attend for FREE)
  • 2 x HIGH-LEVEL Marketing Strategy Sessions To Ensure Your Success

PLUS… we have our ‘SUCCESS GUARANTEE’ if you DON’T make your investment back within 3 months of running your first Virtual Seminar using the Blueprint, I will give you $5000 worth of ‘high-quality’ First Home Buyer leads, FREE. 

So the way I see it… is you have 2 options;

Option #1: Do absolutely nada. Zip. Nothing. 

If you already have an advertising or marketing strategy that’s smashing it and business and builds are booming, then maybe you don’t need this system.

But if you want to make sure you’re around for the rest of 2020 and have a predictable, repeatable system to make up for your non-existent display home numbers, that leaves you with option two or three…

Option #2: Copy us and get it right the first time

I’ll take you through our proven, repeatable process that we’ve developed over the last 5 years as an agency and 10 years I’ve been in marketing and property. 

I’ll breakdown all of the changes and software you need to be aware of, and identify the fastest path to your success using a Virtual Seminar strategy. 

All you need to do is watch my training and implement, and of course, follow the instructions I give you if you decide to work with us… 

Then get ready to start running your own high-converting Virtual Seminar weekly, fortnightly, monthly or whenever you want more leads to build more homes.

Of the 2 options I shared… you need to really ask yourself… “What’s going to give me the best chance of success given the world has changed so quickly over the last 2 weeks?”

Now there’s one thing I do know is there are 3 types of people in the world…

People that sit back and watch things happen… watching everyone else take action, get results and say to themselves why isn’t it happening for me?

Then there are those people that make things happen… those that take action when opportunity is in front of them.

And lastly there are those that bury their head in the sand and wake up in December saying; “what the F… just happened!?”  wondering why they have nothing left.

Sadly, I’ve found most people will sit back and watch others take action, achieve new heights of success and get through this (and they’ll make up some reason why they couldn’t do it too).

On the flip side, there is always a small handful of true LEADERS and INNOVATORS in each industry who will actually take action, and make it happen now.

Now since you’ve read my entire post… you’re likely one of my ‘people’ (or you’re just really bored with nothing else to do.. Which is a whole other problem entirely). One of the leaders and innovators, who want to be different and push the boundaries, and be in charge of your own destiny and not be a victim of your ‘current circumstances’. 

If that’s you – click the button below to fill in your details and book in your call. I’d love to see how we can help you innovate your business and accelerate you through this period.


Daniel Baxter 

P.S. If you’re not 100% sure if a Virtual Seminar will work for you, make sure you watch the video above as it will give you all the information you need before booking in your call.  

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